Iodized table salt
Sodium salt:
This is the ‘common table salt’. It is the most often consumed salt all over the world.
- Chemical formula: NaCl
- Functions: it supplies sodium to our bodies and participates in the regulation of the intracellular pressure and water content.
- Effects: the excessive consumption of sodium chloride causes an increase in the feeling of thirst and retention of water in the cells, which in turn leads to oedemas and increased blood pressure.
- Toxic dose in adults: more than 12.357 g/kg per 24 hours
Iodized salt:
Iodized salt is used to prevent iodine deficiency. Iodine deficiency occurs when not enough iodine is consumed with food (due to iodine-depleted soils) or in radioactive contamination.
Iodine deficiency causes problems with the thyroid gland which is vital for healthy metabolism.
- Chemical formulas: KI or NaI
- Effects: supplies iodine and potassium or sodium to our bodies
- Children: 15-35 mg
- Adults: 130 mg
By using iodized salt, Bulgarians have achieved enormous results in the elimination of iodine deficiency disorders, reducing them from 23% in the 90s to 2.8%, which is below the level of significance for public health.
Table salt
In standard bags of 25 kg and large bags
Table salt is one of the most commonly used types of salt and it is a staple of every household. It, however, is chemically processed during production. As a result, table salt is stripped of all minerals except for sodium and chloride. Indeed, table salt is 99.9% sodium chloride. There are two types of table salt, standard and iodized.
Both the sea salt and the table salt contain sodium and chloride, but there are still some differences between them. Table salt contains some unnatural ingredients, such as anti-caking agents and sugars. The anti-caking agents prevent the formation of lumps, but they may contain aluminium. The iodine added to table salt is added in the form of potassium iodide. These two types of salt taste somewhat different too. As a result of the presence of minerals in the sea salt, it is not as salty as the table salt. The sea salt may also be more aromatic than the table salt. As for their appearance, table salt is finer and more plastic, whereas sea salt may have a greyish or even pinkish hue.
Sea salt has more advantages than table salt because it contains about 80 minerals that help the human body to keep its blood cells healthy. It does not intervene with sleep and promotes the healthy function of the liver, kidneys, and the adrenal glands, and also boosts immunity and does not increase blood pressure. In short, sea salt is much more beneficial for our health than table salt, but either one has to be used in moderation. This is particularly important for people with high blood pressure. They are strongly encouraged to reduce the consumption of salt to a minimum, regardless of whether they eat sea or table salt.
Table salt:
In packets of 1 kg
It is used in bread making, vegetable preservation, processed meat production, spice production, etc.